A Humane Solution
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) fully endorse and encourage the “hazing and harassment” of Canada Geese. The following is an excerpt from their publication HUMANE GOOSE-CONTROL SOLUTIONS which is available on their website at mediapeta.com:
“Hazing” entails methods that are used to actively and regularly create a situation that makes geese feel unsafe. The counterpoint to this technique is the creation of higher tolerance zones nearby where geese can forage—that is where geese will choose to escape to if they are hazed away from lower tolerance areas. Hazing geese involves chasing them from the site each time that they arrive. Consistent and persistent application is the key to successful hazing. Not only must geese be hazed every time they arrive, the harassment must also continue until they leave entirely. This technique requires patience and coordination, but its long-lasting effectiveness pays off. Geese learn to think of the site as a dangerous place.
“Site Aversion” as a deterrent for Canada Geese is a technique recommended and condoned by the Humane Society. The following is an excerpt from their publication SOLVING PROBLEMS WITH CANADA GEESE which is available on their website at humanesociety.org:
Geese may be harassed or scared away without a permit as long as the geese, goslings, eggs and nests are not harmed. Effective plans get synergy from combining two or three of the following key components: curtailing reproduction, site aversion (harassing or scaring the geese to teach them the site is not safe) and habitat modification.